By: Michael Lever
Have you ever wondered what the most profitable internet application is?
Web hosting?
Book or CD selling?
Merchant account providers?
You may be surprised to learn that it is none of the above although they can all be profitable in their own right (particularly industry leaders such as Amazon and Paypal).
Why did I choose the above examples?
Because they are perceived to be ideally suited to online marketing and the fact that there are so many offering those very same products/services means they have to be profitable, right? Wrong!
The problem with the above examples and for merchants in general are that for the vast majority it is just too competitive to succeed online without viable offline sales channels as well.
Without any shadow of a doubt, the most profitable of all internet applications are those that provide exchange services. That is the single most important ingredient to any online success story. The reason is simple, they match buyers and sellers of a myriad of wants and needs. Economically speaking, they match supply and demand.
Lets look at some examples.
Perhaps the most obvious success story is Ebay - an online auction service that matches buyers and sellers for an unrestricted choice of product.Other good examples are search engines like Google and Yahoo which match information demand with supply.
Another biggie is MSN messenger which matches communication desires between friends (although they face stiff opposition from mobile phones in the offline world).
And I don't want to elaborate on the hugely successful marriage of pornographic sites to the demand for sexual fantasy.
High usage demand for these exchange services means huge exposure and advertising revenue in addition to any actual cost of using the service itself.
Many wise heads have identified the huge profit potential of online exchange services. Online dating, gambling, school reunion, broking (share and real estate), affiliate networking, and even customer acquisition exchange websites all utilise the exchange application.
The trick is to go out and find a niche exchange service, one that hasn't already got 10,000,000 search listings for it. If you can be one of the first to develop and market a new exchange service then watch out - your profits will be about to soar!
Michael Lever
Author Bio
Michael Lever is a co-founder and CEO of, an independent company offering unbiased tools and services to help affiliate and network marketers build profitable online businesses. Partnering affiliates the world over.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
What is the most profitable internet application ?
How To Choose An Internet Marketing Niche And Quickly Dominate It
By: Rick Miller
In a recent interview with Tellman Knudson for the List Crusade program, Shawn Casey revealed how to choose an Internet Marketing niche and crush your competition.
(Note: To access Shawn Casey's complete audio interview for free, see end of article)
Shawn's background as an attorney, author, publisher, company owner, corporate executive, public speaker, and teacher makes him uniquely qualified to show you how to be a success in Internet Marketing. Shawn is recognized one of the leading financial experts in the world. He is credited with making and saving thousands of people millions of dollars because of the valuable information he provides.
Listen closely to what Shawn has to say:
"Let's say you know something about rose gardening. You love rose gardening. You're probably an expert at it, even though you don't realize it, because this is your passion.
Your marketplace would be other people that are interested in rose gardening. You can create a report, audio, video... something that is valuable information about rose gardening... maybe how to prune to do something. I don't know much about rose gardening, so I don't specifically know what that would be.
Then you go find the people who have traffic with people coming in looking to buy roses, information about how to care for their roses, what roses to plant, where to plant them, how to trim them, how to cut them, and all that cool stuff that people do.
You then go to those people who are driving in traffic and acquiring subscribers. You say to them, 'Listen, I've got this information that is of value to your visitors. So when you offer it to them, Mr. Rose Grower, you're going to be a good guy. You're giving them free information that they'd otherwise have to go down to the garden store or Home Depot and give money for. You're giving it away free. That's going to help you out and help your creditability, make your customers like you better, make you seem like a nice guy, and help you build your list.'
In turn, you get a little good will, good karma, some subscribers, and potentially customers. Obviously, you don't need to tell them this. This is just something for them to figure out. They're distributing your product that leads them back to your website so that they might buy from you. This doesn't hurt them at all because you're not competing with them directly.
Using this method, we piggyback on that related market because we provide the information, while they provide the product."
In the List Crusade interview, Shawn also revealed:
- How to ethically cheat building your list fast and cheap by leveraging your resources
- Two steps to quickly become the acknowledged expert in any niche.
- Is banner advertising dead?
- Get paid to build your list for free.
- What is the one secret way to test your website for less than $30?
As you read Shawn's secrets of how to quickly achieve success in any niche, you begin to realize the tremendous potential and knowledge you already possess. So the only question is, will you take the next step and take action today?
Author Bio
Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and co-founder of List Crusade. We've arranged scholarships for 75 of our readers to get access to Shawn Casey's entire interview, along with 51 other audio lessons from top Internet Marketing and Self Help Gurus, such as Jay Abraham, Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Mark Joyner, and Robert Allen--go to:
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Adding Profit to Your Work from Home Internet Business
By: Jeff Casmer
Many individuals, from all walks of life, are making the decision to work from home. There are an unlimited number of work at home business ideas; however, the internet has the most potential.
Internet websites are often developed for personal or business use. What once may have been considered a personal site may now even be used to make money. Affiliate programs, commonly referred to as associate programs, are a way for website owners to make money through internet marketing. Affiliate programs work by connecting people to another website. There are a wide number of well known national companies who use affiliate programs to increase the traffic to their website.
Individuals who have their own website will generally display a banner or link to a certain website. The linking website is often a business that sells something. Affiliate programs are profitable to website owners because whenever an internet user signs up for something or buys a products, they are paid commission. Affiliate programs are an effective marketing technique that offer benefits to everyone involved. Website owners are paid for their participation and the businesses on the other end are promoting and selling their products.
Deciding to participate in an affiliate program is a fairly easy process and can sometimes involve little work. If you are a website owner, the more work you do on your website, the more likely you are to receive affiliate clickers. This is due to search engine optimizations. Many articles or topics inside a website contain keywords that search engines may pick up. If an individual is searching for information on popular children's toys and your website has articles or information concerning them, they may be linked to your site. Internet users love to see new articles, information, or products. For this reason, constantly updating your website may bring in new visitors and also keep existing visitors coming back.
Developing a website can be for fun or a part of home employment. Home employment is on the rise and many individuals are making the decision to work from their home. Home employment allows parents, elderly, or disabled individuals to work from the comfort of their home. Although these individuals are common work from home people, just about everyone has the ability to work from inside their home.
A work from home internet business can including selling merchandise or offering a service. For instance, many individuals sell homemade or wholesale merchandise or some offer their web design or writing skills. Affiliate programs are an effective tool in obtaining additional profits for a work at home internet business. Although affiliate programs are used and are widely popular among internet businesses, they are also successful with personal websites. Blogging has greatly increased in popularity. In fact, a large number of internet users have a blog. It is possible to link up affiliate programs with a blog.
Affiliate programs are becoming extremely popular among website owners or bloggers. It is a fairly simple way to acquire additional profits through an existing work from home internet business. It is great programs, such as affiliate marketing programs, that allows many individuals to successfully work from home and make a profit.
Author Bio
Jeff Casmer is an award winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and internet marketing consultant. Visit the work at home directory
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