Friday, May 30, 2008

10 Killer Ways To Make People Click

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Use reverse psychology on your banner ads. You
could tell people not to click on your banner ad. For
example "Don't Click Here If You Are Comfortable
With Your Looks"

2. Make your banner ad words as attractive as
possible. Use words like ultimate, powerful, sizzling,
hot, etc. Your words should relate and highlight
your total offer.

3. Offer a discount offer on your banner ad. People
are always looking for good deals. You could offer
a percentage discount, dollar discount, buy one get
one free discount, etc

4. Use a testimonial on your banner ad. This'll give
people proof they aren't wasting their time clicking
on your banner ad. The testimonial should include
enough information so they understand the offer.

5. You could have a famous and respectable person
on your banner ad representing your product, web
site or service. People will click because they'll trust
them over you.

6. Use a strong guarantee on your banner ad. You
could include the guarantee as a headline for your
offer. It could read double or triple your money back
guarantee, lifetime your money back guarantee, etc.

7. Tell people to click on your banner ad. Newbies
to the internet may nOt even know they can click on
banners. Just having the phrase "click here" on your
banner will increase your clickthroughs.

8. You could advertise a trial or sample offer. This
will tell people there is no risk or obligation if they
click on your banner ad and try out your product or

9. Tell people the major benefit of your product, web
site or service on your banner ad. It could be benefits
like make money, lose weight, increase energy, save
money, save time, etc.

10. You could advertise a free offer on your banner
ad. People love free stuff. The freebie should relate
to your target audience. If the freebie is attractive
to them they will click.

Quote of the Day:
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." --
Sir Richard Steele

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Killer Ways To Keep Your Profits Rolling

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Give people a free online utility. When you offer
a utility that can solve a person's problem, people
will definitely visit your web site.

2. Offer a free affiliate/reseller program. When you
offer people a free opportunity to make money they
will line up to visit your web site.

3. Supply news stories related to your site. People
want current news on the topics they are interested
in. You could also include new "how to" articles.

4. Offer your visitors a free community. People like
to have a place were they can have discussions with
others on a particular subject.

5. Make people feel safe when they order. Explain
to them you won't sell their e-mail address and all
their personal information will be kept confidential.

6. Offer free samples or trials of your product. This
will let people experience your product and attract
people to your web site.

7. Make your ad copy attractive. Your ad should
lists benefits before the features. Include guarantees
and testimonials in your ad.

8. Remind people to come back and visit your site.
They usually don't purchase the first time. The more
times they visit, the greater the chance they'll buy.

9. Let people know anything about your business
history. They'll feel more comfortable if they know
who they are buying from.

10. Give people as many ordering options. Accept
credit cards, checks, money orders, and other forms
of electronic payments.

Quote of the Day:
"We can get over being poor, but it takes longer to get
over being ignorant." -- Jane Sequichie Hifler

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Killer Ways To Defeat Your Competition

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Offer free original content. It's important to give
your visitors information they can't find anywhere
else. If you're the only source, they'll visit your site.

2. Give people free software. Most people like to
find good deals on software for their computers. If
the software is free, that is even better.

3. Hold free contests or sweepstakes. Most people
like to win things. If you can fulfill that need, people
will stop by to visit.

4. Provide a free web directory. Create a directory
of web sites on a popular topic that will attract your
target audience.

5. Offer a free e-zine. Most people love to get free
information that's e-mailed to them regularly. This
saves them time and money.

6. Make your web site look professional. You want
to have your own domain name, easy navigation,
attractive graphics, etc.

7. Let people read your ad before they get to your
freebie. When you use free stuff to lure people to
your web site list it below your ad copy.

8. Attract the target audience that would buy your
product or service. A simple way to do this is to
survey your existing customers.

9. Test and improve your ad copy. There are many
people who write an ad and never change it. Make
sure you get the highest possible response rate.

10. Give people an urgency so they buy now. Many
people are interested in your product but they put
off buying it until later and eventually forget about it.

Quote of the Day:
"Never let formal education get in the way of your
learning." -- Mark Twain

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: