Saturday, May 31, 2008

10 Motivational Triggers That Make People Buy

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. People want to make more money. They may
want to start their own business, get a higher paying
job or invest in the stock market. This will make
them feel successful.

2. People want to save money. They may want to
invest for the future or save for a big purchase.
This will make them feel more secure.

3. People want to save time. They may want to
work less and spend time enjoying life's pleasures.
This will make them feel more relaxed.

4. People want to look better. They may want to
lose weight, tone their body, or improve their facial
features. This will make them feel more attractive.

5. People want to learn something new. They may
want to learn how to change their car oil or build a
deck. This will make them feel more intelligent.

6. People want to live longer. They may want to
get in shape, eat better or gain extra energy. This
will make them feel healthier.

7. People want to be comfortable. They may want
to relive aches and pains or want to sleep in a more
comfortable bed. This will make them feel

8. People want to be loved. They may not want to
be lonely anymore or want to start dating again.
This will make them feel wanted.

9. People want to be popular. They may want to
be a famous celebrity or be more popular in
school. This will make them feel praised and

10. People want to gain pleasure. They may want
satisfy their appetite or sexual desires. This will
make them feel more fulfilled.

Quote of the Day:
"Loneliness is the most terrible poverty." -- Mother Teresa

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Killer Ways To Keep Your Profits Rolling

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Give people a free online utility. When you offer
a utility that can solve a person's problem, people
will definitely visit your web site.

2. Offer a free affiliate/reseller program. When you
offer people a free opportunity to make money they
will line up to visit your web site.

3. Supply news stories related to your site. People
want current news on the topics they are interested
in. You could also include new "how to" articles.

4. Offer your visitors a free community. People like
to have a place were they can have discussions with
others on a particular subject.

5. Make people feel safe when they order. Explain
to them you won't sell their e-mail address and all
their personal information will be kept confidential.

6. Offer free samples or trials of your product. This
will let people experience your product and attract
people to your web site.

7. Make your ad copy attractive. Your ad should
lists benefits before the features. Include guarantees
and testimonials in your ad.

8. Remind people to come back and visit your site.
They usually don't purchase the first time. The more
times they visit, the greater the chance they'll buy.

9. Let people know anything about your business
history. They'll feel more comfortable if they know
who they are buying from.

10. Give people as many ordering options. Accept
credit cards, checks, money orders, and other forms
of electronic payments.

Quote of the Day:
"We can get over being poor, but it takes longer to get
over being ignorant." -- Jane Sequichie Hifler

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Mind Blowing Ways To Increase Your Sales

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Show your prospects how much enthusiasm
you have for your product and business. If you're
convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too.

2. End your sales letter or ad copy with a strong
closing. It could be a free bonus, a discount price,
a benefit reminder, an ordering deadline, etc.

3. Please your complaining customers. You can
refund their money, give them a discount, give
them a free gift, solve the problem quickly, etc.

4. Make your customers get excited about your
business and they will tell their friends. Give
them a free vacation certificate, a coupon, etc.

5. Give your prospects extra confidence so they
will order. Use endorsements, testimonials, a
strong guarantee or warranty, etc.

6. Build your opt-in list by allowing your visitors
to sign up for a free e-zine, ebooks, software,
contests, sweepstakes, etc.

7. Give your prospects or customers a breath of
fresh air. Don't be afraid to design your web site
and ad copies different from everyone else.

8. Allow your customers to get part of your total
offer right after they order. If you have to ship the
item, make one of your bonuses available online.

9. Write and submit articles to e-zine publishers
or webmasters. If you want it to be published, it
should be like an article and not like an ad.

10. Show your prospects that you are an expert,
because authority can persuade people to buy.
You could publish an article, write an ebook, etc.

Quote of the Day:
"The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow because it was
important to them; there ought to be as many for love." --
Margaret Atwood

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Mind Altering Words That Make People Buy

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Use the word "fast" in your ad. People want fast
results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays,
we usually value our time more than our money.

2. Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad. People
want to be assured they are not risking their hard
earned money buying your product.

3. Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want
to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare
because they are considered to be more valuable.

4. Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad. People
want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use,
easy payments, etc.

5. Use the word "testimonial" in your ad. People
want to see believable proof before they buy your
product. It should be reputable and specific proof.

6. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad. People
want to find bargains. They could be rebates, one
time sales, percentage offers, get one free offers, etc.

7. Use the word "free" in your ad. People want free
incentives before they do business with you. They
could be free books, accessories, services, etc.

8. Use the word "you/your" in your ad. People want
to know that you are talking them. This'll make them
feel important and attract them to read the whole ad.

9. Use the word "important" in your ad. People do
not want to miss important information that could
effect their life. People will stop and take notice.

10. Use the word "new" in your ad. People want
new products or services that will improve their life
like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.

Quote of the Day:
"What is wrong with our world is that love is in short
supply." -- Christopher Bryant

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Killer Ways To Sell Your Back-End Products

By Hendra Subrata Liu

A back-end product is a product you attempt to sell
your customers after they have recently purchased a
related product from your business.

If you're not trying to sell back-end products to your
customers, you're making a big mistake. It is easier to
sell to existing customers than it is to sell to new ones
who don't trust your business yet.

Below are ten killer strategies you can use to sell your
back-end products to your existing customers:

1. When you ship people the first product they bought,
insert a flyer or brochure for your back-end product
in the package.

2. Give customers a free subscription to a customers
only e-zine when they buy your product. You could
include your ad for your back-end product in each

3. Send your customers greeting cards on holidays or
on their birthday. Include a small advertisement inside
the card for your back-end product.

4. After people order your first product from your web
site, take them to a "thank you" web page and include
your back-end product ad on that page.

5. Send customers a free surprise gift after they order
your first product. You could attach another ad with
the free gift for your back-end product.

6. If you're selling an electronic product, like an ebook,
include your ad for your back-end product somewhere
inside the electronic product.

7. Give your customers a free membership into your
"customers only" private site. You could include your
ad for your back-end product somewhere inside
the private site.

8. Contact your customers by phone and ask them if
they were happy with their purchase. You could tell
them about your back-end product.

9. Send your customers a thank you letter by mail or
e-mail. You could mention your back-end product
somewhere on the letter.

10. Ask your customers if they want to be updated in
the future when you have new product offers. You
could have them sign up to receive e-mail or snail
mail updates.

Your business will have a greater chance of surviving
when you attempt to sell back-end products to your
existing customers.

Quote of the Day:
"Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife
and rootpuller, but guiding, instructive, inspiring." --
Ralph Waldo Emerson

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Mesmerizing Ways To Reinforce Your Profits

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Anticipate any objections your visitors may have
about your product offer. You must research your
target audience's needs and wants.

2. Remember not to use outrageous or unbelievable
claims in your ad copy. People are too savvy online
and won't believe you.

3. Pick a good name for your business and product.
Your names should be memorable and describe the
kind of product your offering.

4. Solve your customer complaints by being quick
and friendly. The faster you respond, the more your
customers feel you care about them.

5. Never think your customers are satisfied with
their purchase. You should be constantly finding
new ways to better your product and service.

6. Market yourself, as well as your product. You
could write articles, ebooks, do free consulting,
do speaking engagements, etc.

7. Find new target audiences for your products or
services. For example, if you're selling coffee to
stores try to also sell it to coffee shops.

8. Use the phrase "invest in our product" instead of
the words buy or purchase. This makes prospects
feel they're investing in their future if they buy.

9. Create offline affiliates to market your product.
Have people sign up at your web site to sell your
products through "house parties".

10. Use logos and slogans for your business. They
make it easier for people to remember and identify
your business.

Quote of the Day:
"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a
slow-ripening fruit." -- Aristotle

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Magic-Like Ways To Multiply Your Orders

By Hendra Subrata Liu

1. Use reward programs to keep people revisiting
your web site and buying your products. You could
reward gifts or discounts for revisiting or buying.

2. Publish e-zines for other web sites to increase
your traffic. You could do it at no charge and in
return just ask for a sponsor ad in each issue.

3. Trade endorsement ads with other e-zines. They
pull more hits and sales than just trading classified
ads because it gives your ad instant credibility.

4. Test your ad copy before you start taking orders.
Tell your visitors to e-mail you if they want to be
notified when you launch a new product.

5. Get your visitors excited about your product by
letting them know how excited you are about it. Tell
them why you're excited and use exclamation points.

6. Use incentives to gain referrals if you don't have
an affiliate program. Tell people when they refer
customers you will award them with free products.

7. Tell your visitors the reason why you're having a
sale so they don't think your products are cheap. It
could be a holiday/seasonal sale or clearance sale.

8. Stay away from overloading your web site with
high tech gadgets. They can create a slow loading
web page and distract people away from your offer.

9. Cut out words, phrases, and paragraphs in your
ad copy that aren't selling or supporting your product.
This will stop people from getting bored with your ad.

10. Keep people at your web site as long as possible.
Allow them to download free ebooks, sign-up for
contests, use free online services, etc.

Quote of the Day:
"Friends are an aid to the young, to guard them from error;
to the elderly, to attend to their wants and to supplement
their failing power of action; to those in the prime of
life, to assist them to noble deeds." -- Aristotle

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

10 Ways To Make Your Online Testimonials More Believable

By Hendra Subrata Liu

Ask people if they would e-mail a picture with their
testimonial. If they don't have one scanned you could
have them send their picture by mail and you could
scan it. This technique will give your testimonials more

Most online testimonials you see have text signatures.
You could have people mail their written signature,
scan it, and upload it with their testimonial. People
will feel the testimonial is more official.

You could record people's testimonials with a mini tape
recorder over the phone, on your answering machine,
or voice mail. Then you could convert the recording
into a online audio file and upload it to your web site.
You can find more information about converting audio
recording's by typing "real audio" at a search engine.

Have people mail you their testimonial on a postcard,
scan it and upload it to your web site. This will give
people proof that the testimonial isn't fake because
it will have a post mark on it.

Ask people to include a profile of themselves with their
testimonial. You could just have them answer some
questions like age, occupation, hobbies, favorite quote,
etc. This will make your testimonials more entertaining
to read.

This is similar to the "electronic signature" tip. Scan
and upload the entire written testimonial or letter to
your web site. This will give your testimonials a feel
of realism.

You could record peoples testimonials over the phone
with a mini tape recorder. Then, take the recording
and record it to an answering machine or voice mail
system. Under each one, include a phone number they
can call to hear the actual testimonial.

When you get e-mail testimonials, publish the entire
e-mail message instead of just the contents. It will be
more believable because it will include the date, time,
subject, who it's from and who it's to.

When you get testimonials from people, ask them if
you could include their contact information under the
testimonial. This will allow potential customers to ask
your current customers questions about your product
or service before they buy. Usually, they will trust
them more than you.

If some of the people who give you testimonials have
a camcorder, ask them to record their testimonial on
video and send it to you. Then you could convert the
video to an online video file and upload it to your site.
You can find more information about converting audio
recording's by typing "real video" at a search engine.

Quote of the Day:
"Knowledge is the food of the soul." -- Plato

About the author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: